Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Focus Wall

Two posts in one day! Say what??? For this post I'm linking up to Miss DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice's Wordless Wednesday.

Certain things have to be cute in my classroom. Certain things have to match. I'm pretty sure there is a law.  This week I managed to start on matching sets for my focus wall, because I have been pulling resources from everywhere  this year (yay new series) and nothing matched. So matching focus wall pieces is my new hobby. 

What things in your classroom or life need to be cute or match to make you happy?


  1. Your new focus wall pieces are looking great! Since I've started reading blogs, matching "stuff" is more important to me than it used to be! I created rule posters, a birthday chart, and a morning "to do" list that all match. I have lots of blue, aqua, and green in my room. Other than that, things don't really match!
    Laughter and Consistency

    1. I completely agree that I match more now that I've joined the blogging and online community. Of course, it makes it easy when there are so many people that have coordinating sets and things that are pre-made and super cute. Blue, aqua, and green sounds like an awesome color combination!

  2. How cute! It makes me wish some of my stuff matched better.
