Sunday, October 12, 2014

Columbus Day Weekend Sunday Scoop

Today I am linking up with the Teaching Trio's Sunday Scoop!

Experimenting in the Classroom

Here it is ladies and gents! Happy Sunday!

Experimenting in the Classroom


  1. I am happy to say that I am done with parent conferences. They all went well. I hope all of yours go just as well. Enjoy your weekend!
    Tech Crazy Teacher
    Teaching Trio

  2. I wish that we had Monday off! Ours is a teacher work day. :( Enjoy!
    ideas by jivey 

  3. I hate to tell you this- but I don't have to do parent conferences! I do not have a regular classroom, so that is one less worry! Yahoo! I am also with you on the grocery store thing. We fixed that problem by just eating out a lot!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  4. I am using my day off today for some of the same things you are... Trying to figure out how to enrich my high readers (I have a gifted cluster in my room) and jumping on the menu-planning/grocery shopping bandwagon! Thanks for linking up!
    Chalk & Apples
    Teaching Trio
