Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"Butter" Review

Butter is a teenage boy who is obese and seemingly unconcerned with his health and appearance. His weight overshadows his incredible musical ability and his interest in the most popular at girl at school. As he deals with the tense relationships with his parents and ridicule from other students, Butter decides he is going to bring in the new year by eating himself to death. He posts his plan online and overnight his blog becomes the thing to talk about. Other people even start befriending him and encouraging his plan. New Years Eve comes and what happens now?

I randomly found this book in my public library's online shelf. I have to say when I read the synopsis I thought it was the oddest thing in the world so I borrowed it. It's definitely original in my opinion. I thought it was an interesting way to look at the pressure kids feel and even create. It may surprise some that the author had other characters encouraging Butter, but I truly believe something similar could and is happening. This opens up not only the topics of bullying, but also depression, eating disorders, and taking cries for help seriously. This book is for mature readers who can understand the content and the major themes behind it. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That sounds like an odd book, but it also sounds like it could have some good lessons on bullying.
