Sunday, August 21, 2016

First Week Recap

This was the end of our first full week with kiddos and I have to say after the first couple days of school I was ready to pull my hair out. Changing routines on kids, making new procedures, and establishing my own library is not easy. When you only have 50 minutes, once every four days it means you have to pack a lot in and you don't quite get the procedures down. I've also had to rethink some things. I'm treating this year much like I did my first year of teaching, it's all trial and error. Next year, I'll have a system that works. Until then there may be lots of tweaking.

Have you started back? How was your first day or week?


  1. Everything is always trial and error, and tweaking. Just remember to keep breathing. If it works, keep it. If it doesn't, find something else. In the beginning, I think it's important to find simple things that work, and then tweak them as necessary once things have settled a bit.

    1. I completely agree. It's so much easier to take it one thing at a time and build on a solid foundation.
