Thursday, May 7, 2015

Sub Plans for Anyone

Subs can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare.  This year, my subs definitely run the gamut from "amazing and could teach my class all year" to "I never ever want to miss another day" kind of subs.  I've also been the sub in classrooms where you have almost no information about how the teacher runs the room or what kids should be doing, so I am constantly working to make my sub plans super easy to handle for my subs. 

This year, after coming back to a disaster of a classroom and a sub who sent tests home with students and kept quick multiplication pages, I was mortified. One of the girls on the hall suggested I put post-its on each worksheet that would give the sub Cliffs Notes version of what needed to be done with the work.  The only thing was I am plan to be out for two days and I was writing the same things over and over.  It felt like a waste of time.  I liked the idea, but there had to be a better way to do this.  So I came up with these cards.

I am hoping that once I cut these apart and clip them to each set of work, it will make it super easy for my subs.  I am also printing them off on colored paper so it jumps out at the sub.  These won't replace my sub plans, but they will make a cheat sheet for my subs.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Tests don't usually go home with students.

    It's good that you came up with this system. I hope it works!
