Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Symmetry with Art

Shapes are actually something I really enjoy teaching and it can be a ton of fun. We started 2 dimensional shapes and today's lesson was symmetry and I decided to let the kids really have fun.

I will state now that this was not my idea. I've been dying to do it since I saw it though. Amy Lemons from Step into Second Grade with Mrs. Lemons had this on her blog. She took a picture of herself, cropped it so it only showed half her face, and then had the kids fill in the rest to show symmetry. I absolutely love her blog and she does so many cool things with it! If you teach in lower elementary I suggest you get over their ASAP and follow her.

I was skeptical on how it would turn out but my kids loved it and the drawings really surprised me. This was a quick thing to put together. Tomorrow I'm going to have them complete pictures of themselves. Then they'll get to decide which one to hang in the hall. 

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