The book starts with a question mark filled with different colors, which makes a perfect place to gauge prior knowledge.
Next, the author asks what Cat's favorite color is and I love using that for share time. My K students usually just say their own favorite color and that makes a perfect opportunity to talk to them about point of view even if they can't quite grasp it. I also give them time to talk about their own favorite color. For me, share time is essential to read alouds because kids need to connect with you, connect with the book, and they need to feel like they are heard and they matter.
The rest of the book takes you through the different colors and Cat gives you an itwm or two that matches that color. Of course we share some more and brainstorm other ideas.
After the book is done I had different colored pieces of paper stuck on the wall. I put at least four different pieces of each color on the wall somewhere in the library. When I called a color they had to go find the color. They also could only have four people at each paper. This was a great brain break and only takes a minute or two to set up.
You can do any age appropriate coloring sheet and pair another color book with the lesson.